Monday, March 3, 2008

Human Art

The 28th of February bought us closer to the end of a month, but opened our eyes to a different way of expressing patterns: using ourselves. We started the workshop by indulging in delicious salad and chicken rolls and some danishes and muffins, everyone was update on the upcoming dates and ‘Crooked Rib’ news and we began the task requested by Faza: making shapes and patterns using our bodies. Sara photographed the patterns we made on the floor from a bird’s eye view (as close to one as possible) and Faza directed our hands and legs and feet and heads. Eventually, as a group, we came up with ideas regarding the placement of our hands and so on and even worked out a synchronised and choreographed piece of movement. It was a real, fun bonding experience between the girls as some of the poses reminded us of a game of ‘Twister’. It was a very cool experience using ourselves and our teamwork as the medium for a piece of art. Can’t wait to see how the photos turned out!

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